The Best Cheese on Toast Recipes, featuring Cheshire Cheese
As we recover from the celebrations of the August Bank Holiday weekend and the nights begin to creep in, our chances of making use of the BBQ Grill that seemed like such an investment a month or so ago, begin to fade. The month of September has always certified that Summer is officially over and the horror and hell of Christmas lurks just around the corner. But, as a self-confessed foodie, I must admit that I’ll be quick to embrace the weather and preach about the hearty food, which makes these colder seasons, oh so bearable.
My colleague and comrade, Glynn completely disagrees with my statement and will tell anyone that will listen about his misguided culinary exploits (the fact that sustains himself on fast-food, makes his argument redundant), so we often get locked in an endless argument, which usually begins with him telling me that his ‘Beer Garden Brunch’ was the best thing since ‘sliced bread’. All banter aside, when it comes to food, we share a passion for one dish… a culinary masterpiece which we feel, should be recognised as the fundamental Food of the Gods, the Undefeated Hangover Cure and the Ultimate Soul Food. This food is so good that it even has its own dedicated National Day. Gents, of course, we’re talking about…. Cheese on Toast.
With the Sun now in hibernation and National Welsh Rarebit, just around the corner…. what better time to speak to some Cheese experts and explore some incredible Welsh Rarebit Recipes for an exciting take on our humble, Cheese on Toast.
We decided to speak to the guys over at the award winning ‘Cheshire Cheese Company’ to help us on our quest to re-invent one of the most popular meals of all time. The Cheshire Cheese Company is a unique Cheese brand which distributes a range of fourteen gourmet cheeses from Tolletts Farm in Macclesfield with production, just up the road in Crewe. Their international status, eccentric branding and quirky ethos, made them the perfect people to help us on our pursuit to re-invent this (cheese) wheel. Currently, their best sellers include the legendary Mature Cheddar Black Bob, Gourmet Caramelised Onion with Rioja and the wacky Sticky Toffee Heaven Cheese – which is also in popular demand.
We wanted to ask the Cheshire Cheese Company, what kinds of cheese and chutney combinations would really spice up the traditional cheese on toast, and as expected, they have tons of very exciting and educated ideas….Glynn and I were keen to get stuck in!
Boozy Cheese on Toast Recipe
When two loves collide! Made with Wincle Beers Real Ale and Wholegrain Mustard, the Gourmet Old Hag Ale & Mustard Cheddar from the Cheshire Cheese Company is a must for Ale-Drinkers alike! Team this with the Gourmet Old Hag Real Chutney for an indulgent boozy, cheese fix to see in those chilly nights.
Indulgent Gourmet Welsh Rarebit Recipe
When we chatted to the cheese specialists over at the Cheshire Cheese Company, they told us that the finest Cheese on toast award in their eyes belongs to their very own flagship Traditional Creamy Cheshire Cheese. A creamy Cheshire cheese takes which takes on a slight smokiness when grilled. They told us not to forget to add a splash of Worcester Sauce for extra flavour and complete the taste experience with a dollop of the Gourmet Farmhouse Pickle. This is the food equivalent of a box-set binge in front of a log fire. Comfort food in every mood.
Fiery Inferno Cheese on Toast
So this sounds pretty intimidating but The Cheshire Cheese Company told us that, unarguably the traditional choice to celebrate Welsh Rarebit Day would be their legendary best-selling cheese, Black Bob Extra Mature Cheddar. With exposure to heat Black Bob becomes a melting inferno of gooey goodness. Try the Black Bob melted cheddar with it’s partner in crime, the Cheshire Cheese Company spicy and sweet Gourmet Chilli Jam. Hot in more ways than one…
Perhaps the Best Cheese on Toast Recipe in the World
When Smokey sings he forgets everything, and you will too when you bite into the World’s finest Smokey Redwood Cheddar cheese toasty! Winner of six consecutive Golds at the International Cheese Awards and the perpetuity trophy, this is truly the best smoke flavoured cheese on the planet, so there’s no arguing that this Smoked Cheese could make the best cheese on toast in the World! Finish this cheese on toast recipe off with the best-selling Gourmet Caramelised Red Onion Chutney – it’s a match made in heaven!
Why not venture out of your comfort zone on this National Welsh Rarebit Day and explore the endless options of Cheese, Chutney and Pickle combinations! The Cheshire Cheese Company have so many unique and exciting cheese and condiments, we want to try them all. We recommend getting a taste of their International Cheese Awards bronze winner, Gin and Lemon Cheshire Cheese and for those that like a bit of spice get stuck into the Gourmet Jamaican Jerk Sauce Cheddar or ‘The Most Wanted’ El Gringo Chilli Lime, Tequila Cheddar, bubbling like a volcano it has to be complimented with our El Gringo Chilli Lime, Tequila Pickle.
With the Cheshire Cheese Company’s links to the Cheshire Cat and the Mad Hatter, we now understand why their tagline is ‘The Cheese That Makes You Grin’ and with these unique and eccentric Cheese on Toast Combinations, Glynn and I feel like we’ve been for a visit to the Mad Hatter Tea Party….we’re high on life! Celebrate National Welsh Rarebit Day on September the 3rd and catch the Cheshire Cheese Company at a range of Farmshops, Cheese & Wine Emporiums or over on their site at www.cheshirecheesecompany.co.uk.
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