Moses really did “part” the Red Sea, apparently
One of the most famous and disputed events in the world’s history, it turns out that Moses may have had a hand from Nature when parting the red sea, underwater evidence shows.
The bible story tells of Moses supposedly moving gallons of water with just the wave of his walking stick to allow the Israelites to escape across the sea bed in 1250 B.C.
The water then came rushing back in and crushed the advancing Egyptian Army.
Obviously most people think this miraculous event is just a work of fiction, written hundreds of years after it supposedly took place. However, there is evidence that indicates it may really have happened.
Many academics and scientists have set about to try and prove that there is a natural and logical explanation for Moses’s miracle.
An engineer called Carl Drews wrote an article for the Public Library of Science journal where he argued that an incorrect translation of the bible means the water did not actually part in the Read Sea at all.
Instead, he thinks it may have been a nearby reed-filled lake in the ancient city of Tanis that was actually drained, creating a four-kilometre dry path to walk across.
He argues this would have been possible by a weather phenomenon called a “wind setdown” which involves winds as fast as 60mph pushing on one side of the water causing a storm surge. On the other direction from where the wind is pushing, the water would move away.
Drew explains:
“Wind setdown is a drop in the water level, and storm surge is a rise in water level.
“This study analyzes the two effects acting on an enclosed body of water, and compares them with observations in order to calibrate the parameters of a regional ocean model coupled with a wave model.
“I’m arguing that the historical event happened in 1250 B.C., and the memories of it have been recorded in (book of) Exodus.
“The people of the time gloried in God and gave God credit.“
Source: Daily Star
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