E-Cigarettes can still help you quit Smoking, apparently
Quite a different viewpoint to our last mention on E-Cigarettes, but according to a new study, those who use one daily are actually three times more likely to give up real cigarettes all together.
This could be taken as a way of saying they’re not as bad as cigarettes, but there’s no saying that you won’t just become a vape addict instead. The study only seems to compare giving up cigarettes, and not the whole smoking thing entirely.
Compared to those who have never tried E-cigs, the study’s findings reveal that you are more quite likely to give up cigarettes if you decide to take up the E-cig. Participant’s desire to quit smoking was analaysed using data from the 2014 and 2015 Nation Health Interview Survey, with factors such as educational attainment, health insurance and age taken into account.
Lead author Daniel Giovenco at the Mailman School of Public Health has said that the findings suggest frequent use of E-cigs may be an important part in cessation or relapse prevention for some smokers.
The study’s second author, Cristine Delnevo from Rutgers School of Public Health states the following:
“Without knowing details about device attributes, user experiences and motivations for e-cigarette use, reasons for low cessation rates among infrequent e-cigarette users are unclear.”
I personally beg to differ with Giovenco’s statement. I’ve had many acquaintances give up cigarettes for good, only to move on to E-cigs. Not the “normal” kind either, but the horrible smelling sickly vanilla-y rubbish and that.
Each to their own, do what you want. I don’t care. Just please, try not to blow it in my face. I’m not a fan for overly sweet smells that have already been through your lungs.
I’m interested to know from any of you E-cigarette users. Did you take one up to prevent smoking? Did it work? Or do you just now rely on an E-cigarette instead, trading one habit for the other?
Drop us a comment and let us know your experiences!
Source: Zee News
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