Daddy Cool Chilli Sauces – Fiery Foods to get you feeling fighting fit!
When we bumped into the ‘Daddy Cool Chilli Sauce’ team, earlier this summer, their stall was met by the same, old reception – a bunch of lads hoping to out-do each other in a chilli eating contest. It’s a scene that we’re sure owner, Steve Cooley and his companions have seen many a time, but even with an expected reception – Daddy Cool isn’t your average sauce salesman.
Founded in 2015, Daddy Cool’s Hot Chilli Sauces is a grass-roots family business which uses home-grown ingredients to pioneer a new-wave of Hot Pepper & Chilli Sauces. Their extensive range includes Chilli Jams, Pickles, Relishes and Chilli Snacks with ingredients sourced locally to their premises in Glossop, England. In just two years as a business, Daddy Cool have won a wealth of awards for their unique chilli recipes with accolades from prestigious institutes like Fiery Foods UK, The People’s Choice and Great Taste Awards.
Despite huge popularity, we can’t help but question Man’s human instinct to challenge one’s self with fiery foods! Why do we love hot food? Why do we insist on eating chillies? Are Chillies bad for you? Should I be eating more chillies? At Man Wants, we decided to take the argument into our own hands and with a little help from ‘Daddy Cool Chilli Sauce’ investigate our love for Chilli Peppers…
What is the hottest Chilli Pepper?
The heat of a Chilli is commonly measured on a ‘Scoville Scale’. The ‘Scoville Scale’ is the internationally recognised chart for the hotness of a Chilli. Daddy Cool told us that currently, the Carolina Reaper Chilli is known to be the hottest Chilli Pepper in the World – measuring in at around 1,400 000 – 2,200 000 Scoville heat units (that’s 8,000 times hotter than your standard Jalapeno).
If you’re looking for a taste of the World’s hottest Chilli – we recommend Daddy Cool’s ‘XXX Bad Boy Superhot Chilli Sauce’ their hottest Chilli sauce which contains the infamous Carolina Reaper amongst a fiery blend of other Peppers (Moruga Scorpion Chilli, Bhut Jolokia Chilli & Scotch Bonnet Chilli).
Are Chillies bad for you?
That burning sensation we get when eating Chillies is caused by a substance named ‘Capsaicin’, an oily chemical found in Chilli Peppers. When you’re experiencing an intense burn from eating a Chilli Pepper – it’s temporary burn is not causing any damage, it’s just the Capsaicin messing with you! In some very rare cases, people have consumed such high quantities of Capsaicin, that their brain has been tricked into thinking their burning and inflammation has occurred (don’t be scared, this is a very unusual case).
Generally, Chilli products are adult-only foods that Daddy Cool states should be handled in a ‘responsible manner’ but despire the rumours, Chillies are not bad for you. However, we can vouch that extreme Chilli Capsicum contents will not be pleasant for less-seasoned Chilli eaters. If you’re looking for that Chilli kick without an intense burn, we suggest you try the Daddy Cool ‘Smoky Chipotle BBQ Sauce’ – a winner of a Great Taste Award and ‘Best UK Mild BBQ Sauce’ at Chilli Land, it can be enjoyed on Burgers, Chicken, Ribs & Salads.
Are Chillies good for you?
As owner of ‘Daddy Cool’ and a seasoned Chilli farmer, Steve Cooley knows just about everything there is to know about Chillies. He harvests his own Chilli Peppers against the backdrop of the High Peaks in Derbyshire and creates his own, unique recipes which have gained international acclaim. We just had to pick Steve’s chilli-brain and were surprised to hear about the impressive health benefits of chilli peppers. We’re so used to hearing an abundance of myths which imply how bad eating chillies can be, that I’ve never stopped to consider the positives of chilli eating.
Steve informed us that humble Chilli isn’t just great for adding flavour but can also aid with weight-loss, boost your immune system, clear congestion and help with inflammation. He also told us how Capsaicin has been traditionally used in rubs and ointments for pain-relief.
In modern times, the health benefits of Chilli’s are becoming more understood and dieticians are pushing people to challenge themselves with fiery foods. If you’re new to chilli eating, challenge yourself with a medium Chilli sauce like the popular ‘Fatalli Attraction’ from Daddy Cool or for an extra kick, consider the Great Taste 2016 winner ‘Jeepers Reapers Revenge’ – both great on the barbecue or used as a dipping sauce!
What can I cook with Chilli Sauce?
If you’re looking for Chilli Recipes, then Daddy Cools Chilli Sauce has a bunch of recipes and cooking suggestions sourced from experience and their loyal customer base. You can use their Dry Rubs on meat, their Chilli Pickles & Relishes in curries and their Chilli Jam as a glaze! With heaps of Chilli inspiration, there’s no excuse to not get your fiery fix in the kitchen….
So there we have it, an investigation into the facts & fiction surrounding the (not-so) humble Chilli Pepper. We’ve identified the rumours and outlined the magnificent health benefits of Chillies with a little help from our friends over at ‘Daddy Cools Chilli Sauce’.
Now, we recommend you visit their store or say hello at one of their many Food Markets & Festivals. As for now, we’re off to get our Chilli Fix with a ‘Jamokie Toastie’.
Daddy Cool Chilli Sauces, Available at: www.daddycoolschillisauce.co.uk
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